Guitar amp micing for the Kemper and Quad Cortex

GregD talks about and demonstrates the essential pre-Profile and Capture mic setup. He explains the history of micing amps and why our standard live placement may not be giving us the results we want.

0:00 Intro amp wall
0:20 Game plan
0:49 Only as good as what you feed them
1:48 Thinking differently
2:18 Why would you amplify an amplifier?
3:31 Advantage of Kemper and Quad Cortex
4:04 Making Profiles/Captures in a studio
4:57 Making Profiles/Captures without a studio
5:58 Using a reference
7:26 Difficult recording yourself
10:07 Mic positions
11:09 Blending the mics
12:22 Watch phase
12:54 Comparison with existing Profile
14:08 Ready to Capture and Profile
15:41 The End :)