Welcome to our new home on the internet!

Right now, we’re updating our website and will soon have lots of new things to share. Greg has been busy making a series of YouTube videos on various topics which you can see here on the Aphek Studio channel. Don’t forget to like and subscribe!

We’ll also be offering limited quantities of Greg’s hand-crafted guitar effects pedals and pickups that have had global rave reviews for many years, as well as tone-perfect profiles of many amplifier models as ToneX Tone Models, Quad Cortex Captures and Kemper Profiles..

We’ll always have the studio space on the Central Coast of NSW available for recording, so if you’re interested in a session or five, just drop us a line and we’ll hook you up with the best gear and engineer you could hope for.

So please stay tuned and watch this space – lots of great stuff coming your way real soon!

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